Wednesday, November 4, 2009

There should be a law that auto-drivers cannot refuse a sawaari. For two nights in a row, around 15-20 auto-wallahs have turned me down the moment i utter 'Indira Nagar'! This happened at 6, 7.30, 8.45 and 9 pm.
In fact, they don't even bother to stop and bargain. No! For that would ask for too much effort- a waste of their precious time, that could be better spent ogling at ammas near the tea-shop.

Auto-drivers in Bangalore are above all that. There is a technique to appease this elusive deity. U must shout out the name of your destination across the street for him to even acknowledge your presence. If he likes the syllabic sound, he may deign to come nearer...but keeping sufficient distance enabling him to bolt in a second. Ur hopes high, visions of hot kaapi awaiting u at that cosy place u call home, u say "ABC chaloge?"
And you get... The Look. That gaze of utter contempt. He might even sniff, derision wrought all over his greasy face. I have even gotten a few laughs!
WHAT THE HELL IS SO FUNNY? and wat do these jerks have up their asses, that prevents them from entertaining legitimate requests? No city in this country has 14 bucks as minimum auto fare...and no place has auto-drivers as rude and arrogant as here.



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